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London will be headed out to AZ in a few weeks! We haven't seen each other since October, so I'm really looking forward to spending some time with her! I think I'm starting to feel a lil' London withdrawal ;) It's going to be good to see her!

The first weekend she's here we'll be heading to the AZ Regional Burn called Toast which is located near Sanders, AZ (NE of Show Low, near the New Mexico border). It's a small festival, similar to Burningman. I'm not sure what to expect other than camping with good people and having good times, but that sounds just about awesome! I'm sure it will get me pumped up for the Burn this year and it's always great to meet others who love Burningman! Camping with friends is always a good time :) After the Toast, London and I will be shooting around Tucson and Phoenix as much as possible before heading out to California.

On our way out to Los Angeles, we'll be hitting up the Joshua Tree Music Festival. Last year, London and I attended the Coachella Music Fest before working in L.A. That was a lot of fun and I can't wait to attend another music fest together. I'm hoping we'll make some friends at the Toast that will also be attending Joshua Tree. There's going to be lots of music, art, fun hippie people and pretty nature. Hopefully the weather stays cool and beautiful like it has been the past few weeks. I can't wait for May! It's going to be an exciting month =)