Does Miley Cyrus Have a Finger Tattoo
On her hand, you can see a tattoo of what appears to be a cross.
Selena Gomez Has a Cross Tattoo?
The new cross ink joins Miley's other tattoos miley cyrus tattoo - miley
Miley Cyrus @ Miley Cyrus Cross Tattoo Exposed. Comments
Miley Cyrus Cross Tattoo Exposed. by DisneyInfonet on January 4th,
Posted by admin | Posted in Miley Cyrus tattoo | Posted on
Miley Cyrus is collecting tattoos like a little girl in a candy shop!
Miley Cyrus Getting New CROSS Tattoo
Miley Cyrus' New Tattoo Is A Cross. December 23, 2010 | by Disney Dreaming |
Miley Cyrus was recently spotted wearing a bandage on her hand near her

Miley Cyrus' New Tattoo Is A Cross
New Miley Cyrus' Tattoos. by Raden Fariz, under Celebrity Tattoo,

Miley Cyrus Has First Tattoo All Planned Out
Miley Cyrus Cross Tattoo Exposed. by DisneyInfonet on January 4th, 2011
The new cross ink joins Miley's other tattoos
So, what are your thoughts about Miley Cyrus new fifth tattoo?
Talking about Miley Cyrus's other tattoos, she has a small “cross” tattoo on
soundtrack cross tattoos
Wondering what tattoo Miley Cyrus got on her finger?